Development costs Programmers needed depending on technology The existence of ERP templates in the form of modules accounting, warehouse, purchasingsales circuit, etc... or specialized frameworks for the development of ERPs Ease of maintenance Ease of inheriting and reusing code common resources such as user management, permissions, etc. Ability for advanced or expert users to configure parts of the ERP without the help of programmers Ease of implementation locally on-premise or in the cloud .
Ease of implementation on different platforms and operating systems, and mobility Robustness and reliability of the system and its database Guarantees to offer an SLA close to % in critical installations What is the best technology to deve Senegal WhatsApp Number lop an ERP? Let's look at a brief description of each programming language before answering the question. Program in Java Java is reputed to be one of the most famous and widely used programming languages. For many years, Java has been known as a standard, one of the most popular and versatile programming languages in the world. Its virtues are numerous.

Java is object-oriented, but it is still not completely object-oriented because it offers support for primitive data types such as int, char, and so on. First, code in Java is compiled into bytecode, which is code. independent of the machine. The bytecode is then executed in the Java Virtual Machine JVM, regardless of the underlying architecture. There is a similarity between the syntax of Java and that of C. Java does not offer low-level programming functionality such as pointers. In another order of things, Java code can be seen written in the form of classes and objects. With the Java programming language, it is possible to both compile and interpret a program.