To avoid this from happening and to prevent any problems of this type, you can now decide what the sending time slots are . What does this mean? Outside that slot , for example from 11 to 15, no SMS will be invited and the sending will be rescheduled for the following day . Activation is also simple in this case. By going to the section My Account > SMS Settings > Business Hours , you can set the time slot you want and change it whenever you want.
Always remember to save before exiting the section. If you iran telegram data want to know what are the best times to send your SMS , read our dedicated post. Business Hours SKEBBY Nickname for receiving numbers If you regularly use the receiving service , then you will find this new feature very useful. From today, in fact, you can assign a nickname to each active receiving number . A way to immediately identify each number and distinguish it easily and more quickly from the others.
Go to the section SMS Reception > Received SMS > Actions and add a description to the chosen number.The pandemic we are experiencing has obviously increased people's attention to their health status. Unfortunately, however, the emergency has also proved to be fertile ground for scams, especially online and through emails, WhatsApp messages and deceptive SMS. At Skebby we firmly believe in the power of SMS as a communication tool between companies and customers, for this reason we have increasingly felt the need to help those who receive these messages to recognize them and companies to protect themselves .